Many engineering teams struggle to produce. We at Convex are frequently called in when the engineering team is nearly at a standstill and has lost the confidence of the organization. The culprit, in nearly all cases we encounter, is speed. In this case I’m not referring to speed as an effect, but as the cause. […]
Overseas teams are incredibly useful if you are short on time and capital. It’s not difficult to find a software development vendor that can provide you with an excellent overseas team that will be more affordable and flexible in the short run than hiring in-house. There are times when it can be challenging to know […]
In talking with prospective clients, we encounter a good number that have trouble getting – or keeping – traction with customers. In many cases the founder developed an idea after talking to a number of target customers, acquired some capital, and turned the idea into a solution that, in the early stages, they were able […]
Not long ago we were working with a healthcare startup that was using Retool, a “low code” application, as part of their stack. I had seen a demo of Retool before, but I never had the chance to work with it closely. Our client initially hoped that the engineering team could build components in Retool […]
At Convex, we didn’t start out offering Product Management services. Our initial offering was focused on engineering leadership. We would frequently get called in by clients to help them “fix” their engineering teams. The CEO might tell us, “We have no idea how good our engineering team is, or how ready our stack is to […]
When Convex works with clients, we frequently talk about the differences between outcomes and outputs, because focusing engineering and product teams only on outputs severely hampers their effectiveness. Why? Instead of hiring smart, talented people and letting them tackle problems and run at high speed, you are narrowly prescribing the solutions on which they should work. […]